
  1. Causes of occurrence
  2. How to stop snoring at home
  3. How to choose
  4. Rating of the best snoring remedies for 2020
  5. Conclusion

Best snoring remedies for 2020

Best snoring remedies for 2020

Few people like to be aware that they are snoring, but even fewer people like to sleep next to a snoring person. The problem is quite pressing and concerns a decent number of people, so we have prepared a ranking of the best snoring remedies for 2020.

Some citizens believe that there is nothing scary about snoring, they say, if it gives spouses discomfort, then you can sleep in different rooms. But in reality, everything is not so harmless, since a snoring person is most susceptible to respiratory arrest during sleep.

Causes of occurrence

An ailment can appear due to various reasons. The most common are:

  • The structure of the nasopharynx: its anatomical features;
  • Rhinitis and enlarged adenoids causing problems in sleeping people;
  • Weakening of the muscles or malformations of the pharynx;
  • Malocclusion;
  • Excess weight;
  • Alcohol abuse;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Overwork.

How to stop snoring at home

We are talking about the so-called folk methods, when you do not want to go to the pharmacy, but there is a desire to get rid of the annoying ailment on your own. A favorite folk method is cabbage with honey. It is easy to do: the cabbage leaf is turned into mashed potatoes using a blender and mixed with honey at a rate of 1: 1. Before going to bed, you need to eat a couple of tablespoons.

Another safe method is baked carrots. A root vegetable is baked before bedtime, eat it and who knows, maybe you will be one of the lucky ones to whom carrots helped in the fight against snoring, but in any case it will be useful.

Also, folk remedies offer a ton of herbal-based options. From them it is necessary to make infusions and decoctions. Thyme tea is especially popular. Only at the same time, do not forget that there are a lot of contraindications for such treatment, since herbs can cause allergic reactions.

You can do special exercises that a qualified otolaryngologist can advise.

You should also try singing to strengthen your muscles. It is easy to do this at home. Wake up in the morning, and chant: "I". The muscles of the larynx will tighten and after a while the result should appear.

How to choose

Remedies for ronchopathy are created from natural and chemical components, therefore, indicating the selection criteria for yourself, decide which one you prefer. It is worth remembering that pharmaceutical preparations are most often recommended to be used in courses. Their use can reduce swelling of the nasopharynx and increase the tone of soft tissues. At the same time, the palate is strengthened and the irritation in the throat is relieved. Due to the therapeutic effects, the normalization of the nasal ducts is achieved.

Products are sold in solid form, in the form of aerosols, drops and patches. Various forms of medicines allow you to buy the most comfortable one.

Rating of the best snoring remedies for 2020


Doctor Snore

According to buyers, a quality spray is Doctor Snore, which eliminates the symptoms of ronchopathy. The product contains natural ingredients that gently normalize the functionality of the respiratory system. There are no dyes and chemical elements. The emphasis is on glycerin, a variety of vitamins and oils. The manufacturer produces a spray with three flavors: sage, eucalyptus and mint. The drug has an expectorant effect and perfectly tones the nasopharynx. Spraying the spray allows you to increase the elasticity of the oral cavity.

The irritability of tissues accumulating from snoring gradually disappears. Antioxidant action promotes hydration. Delicious herbal aromas can help reduce the risk of tooth decay and freshen your mouth. After waking up, you will not have an unpleasant odor from the mouth. The only point to consider is that Dr. Snoring does not in any way eliminate the causes of snoring. That is, if snoring is caused by obesity, then the spray will not help you lose weight, it can only help get rid of side symptoms, and even then not always and not for everyone. Until you try, you won't know if you fall into the lucky category or not. Most often it helps if problems were caused by smoking, colds or emotional distress.

Cost: from 260 rubles.

Doctor Snoring Spray
  • Reduces the volume and intensity of snoring;
  • Useful material;
  • Helps relieve swelling and irritation of the nasopharynx;
  • Promotes the body's resistance;
  • Facilitates breathing with frequent use;
  • Budget cost;
  • Eliminates unpleasant symptoms qualitatively.
  • The manifestation of individual intolerance is possible;
  • Not everyone likes the taste.


The Russian-made drug Snorex is highly praised. The drug is a bio-concentrate. In the composition: such useful components as sage, propolis and calendula. At its core, a remedy is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement. The balanced beneficial composition has a mild effect on the body, so the action is not instantaneous, but cumulative. Best of all, the effectiveness is demonstrated a week after intake, when the quality of sleep increases markedly: its duration increases and there is no feeling of fatigue after waking up. The useful composition of Snorex has a beneficial effect not only on the fight against snoring, it helps to normalize blood pressure, improves memory, relieves symptoms of fatigue and aggressiveness. The box with the product contains step-by-step instructions, which must be read carefully before use in order to avoid overdose. Unfortunately, you cannot find Snorex in pharmacies, and you can order only from an official supplier.

You can buy it for 990 rubles.

  • Strengthens and restores muscle tone of the nasopharynx:
  • Prevents the occurrence of respiratory arrest during sleep;
  • Helps to fight inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • Promotes the enhancement and strengthening of immunity;
  • Balanced and high quality composition.
  • Not found in regular pharmacies;
  • There may be an allergic reaction to any component.

Anti snoring

Anti-snore spray is often used to treat rochnopathy. The composition contains high-quality natural ingredients that guarantee safety. The drug reliably protects the body from pathogenic bacteria, so the nasopharynx heals. Anti-snoring components tone up the muscle cells of the oral cavity, relieve swelling in the sinuses and suppress snoring. The remedy is suitable for smokers and people with colds. But there are also contraindications, for example, medication is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, along with epileptics. Also, no one canceled the possibility of a negative individual reaction. Men note relief of the respiratory process after taking Anti-Snoring, and women notice the presence of sedation.The convenient form of administration is perfect for people who, for various reasons, cannot swallow tablets.

You can buy from 300 rubles and more.

Anti-snoring spray
  • Facilitates the respiratory process;
  • Eliminates swelling in the nasopharynx;
  • Perfectly fights vibrating sounds during dreams;
  • Suitable for men and women;
  • Excellent recommendations from smokers;
  • It is possible for colds.
  • Difficult to find on sale.

Night comfort

A wonderful sleep-promoting spray, Night Comfort. Its main ingredients are licorice, marshmallow root and flax seeds. These ingredients are well absorbed by the body and produce beneficial effects. The product gently moisturizes the mucous membrane of the mouth and nasopharynx, relieves sore throat with colds, destroys pathogenic bacteria and helps to avoid inflammatory processes. Doctors prescribe Night Comfort not only for snoring, but also for respiratory diseases. The spray effectively affects both men and women, in addition, the manufacturer assures that his product is safe, therefore, it is allowed to be taken by pregnant and lactating women.

You can buy it in the Ozone online store for 570 rubles.

Night comfort
  • Eliminates vibrating sounds and heals the respiratory tract;
  • Normalizes and greatly facilitates breathing;
  • Useful composition;
  • Toning and antiseptic effect;
  • There is a noticeable decrease in snoring from the first dose;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Pleasant taste.
  • Few online reviews.



Of the tablets, Snorstop is very popular. Sleep doctors often recommend these pills to eliminate uncomplicated snoring. The drug appeared with us 20 years ago, manufactured in Canada. You need to take one tablet at bedtime, put the product under the tongue and wait for complete dissolution. According to buyers, the result is noticeable after the first intake, and there is also a cumulative effect. The composition of the tablet includes such useful components as true Dubrovnik, two-spike ephedra, chilybuha vomit and canadian yellow root. The successful combination of the ingredients of the drug ensures the reduction of foci of inflammation, reduction of swelling of the nasopharynx, normalization of the vascular system and improvement of the functional of the respiratory muscles. People taking Snorstop note that after eliminating snoring, they began to get enough sleep. Thanks to this, mood and performance improve.

Price for the drug: about 500 rubles.

  • Eliminates snoring in a day;
  • There is a cumulative effect;
  • Sleep quality improves and mood improves;
  • Contains useful ingredients;
  • Breathing during sleep is stabilized;
  • Decreases inflammation of the foci of the oral cavity.
  • Difficult to find at the pharmacy;
  • There may be individual intolerance.

Snore block

The Polish Snore Block capsules are loved by customers because they are effective and not addictive. Inside the package are 60 capsules, the action of which is aimed at eliminating snoring and improving overall well-being. As part of the plant complex of substances, it is skillfully combined with vitamin supplements, which provides not only the health of the body, but also an increase in immunity. People who have used the drug note that their companions have stopped complaining about annoying sounds. It was also noted that swelling of the oral cavity disappears, breathing is facilitated and the musculature of the throat strengthens. The functionality of the remedy includes its ability to stabilize the heart rate and a calming effect on the nervous system. A pleasant bonus is the disappearance of headaches and the elimination of dizziness.

You can buy it for 400 rubles.

Snore block
  • Excellent complex effect on the respiratory organs and the entire body as a whole;
  • Calming effect on the nervous system;
  • Ideal for restful sleep;
  • Suitable for both men and women;
  • Favorably affects the overall well-being.
  • You can't find it in ordinary pharmacies, you have to order online.



According to buyers, plasters are convenient to use.Many people think that BreezeWright is the best. The strips are manufactured in the USA and are disposable. The application is simple. Before sticking them on your nose, you need to thoroughly wash your nose and dry it. Since the patch does not contain medicinal components, it is allowed to use it in conjunction with medicines. It is great for people with a deviated nasal septum. Outwardly, the patch resembles a springy plate, which, once on the wings of the nose, mechanically expands the nasal passages, thereby helping to improve nasal breathing. You need to stick it all night and do not try to remove the strip in the middle of the night. The manufacturer comes in two sizes: medium and large. The color scheme is also in two variations, there are black stripes, and there are physical ones. It happens that some buyers complain that the tool does not help, but upon closer examination of their complaint, it turns out that they did not correctly stick BreezeWright. The strips perfectly eliminate snoring, but you need to understand that this is not for life, but only at the time of use.

You can buy strips from 350 rubles and more.

  • Improves nasal breathing;
  • It is allowed to combine with various medicines;
  • Convenient and easy to use;
  • Relieve nasal congestion
  • Effectively eliminates snoring;
  • They hold well and look aesthetically pleasing.
  • If glued incorrectly, there will be no result;
  • Constant use will result in a lump sum.

Nose plaster

The Chinese have come up with their own weapon against ronchopathy - this is the Nose Plaster patch. The mechanism of using the patch is very simple, attach the strip to the wings of the nose, and due to its springy properties, it begins to expand the nasal passages. As a result, breathing becomes free and annoying sounds disappear. Professionals assure that if you use the patch on a regular basis, you can permanently eliminate the ailment. Indications for use include nasal congestion, sleeping with an open mouth, sinusitis, difficulty breathing, headaches and of course snoring. Significantly, even athletes are advised to use Nose Plaster in order to improve their breathing technique. A big plus is that Nose Plaster has no restrictions, will not harm, so trying to get rid of snoring will not lead to sad consequences. The sticky base allows you to carefully attach the strip and not be afraid that it will peel off in a dream.

Cost: 990 rubles.

Nose plaster
  • Safe use;
  • Instant action;
  • The gadget, with regular use, completely eliminates the problem;
  • You can order in the online store;
  • Suitable not only for snoring, but also for other ailments with the nose;
  • Ideal for restful sleep.
  • Will be expensive with continued use.


In our time, it is pointless to suffer from snoring and throw up our hands, they say, we do not know how to get rid of it. Pills, sprays, drops, plasters, clips and even mouth guards come to the rescue. A mouthguard is a device that allows air flow to enter the nasopharynx unhindered, thereby eliminating unpleasant sounds. Currently, Belarusian products are sold, domestic companies, American brands and European know-how. Mistakes in choosing are minimal, the main thing is the desire to overcome the disease. As a last resort, you can always solve the problem with a surgical method, but it is safer and less painful to use goods from pharmacies or online stores designed to get rid of unpleasant, nocturnal sounds.


