
  1. Vitamins that improve eye condition
  2. List of the best complexes useful for visual acuity

Best eye vitamins in 2020

Best eye vitamins in 2020

A full supply of the body with nutrients and vitamins affects not only the general condition of a person, but also the health of individual organs. For example, few people think that vision may deteriorate due to a lack of vitamins and mineral compounds. Nevertheless, statistics show that this is one of the reasons for the decrease in the quality of vision. The ranking of the best vitamins for the eyes will help to understand which drugs and how best to take.

Vitamins that improve eye condition

Timely supply of vitamins to the body is essential for the proper functioning of the body and high-quality metabolism. A proportion of the necessary substances is synthesized directly in the human body, but most of the nutrients are supplied together with food.

In most, the effect of vitamins extends to the entire human body, but to maintain high-quality vision, some substances that are of the greatest benefit are required.

Essential vitamins for the eyes:

  • Retinol or vitamin A is recognized as an excellent stimulator of the regeneration and growth of young cells. This vitamin is very important for vision, as it regulates a person's ability to see in the dark. Due to the lack of retinol, there are problems with color perception, dryness of the mucous membranes of the eye occurs, and the likelihood of developing conjunctivitis sharply increases. To increase the level of this vitamin in the body, it is recommended to consume orange vegetables, butter, liver, and dairy products.
  • Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is another component, without which a person's vision cannot be complete. It plays a huge role in human health and is responsible for many processes. Without the participation of vitamin C, full carbohydrate metabolism and tissue regeneration are impossible; it is responsible for the permeability of the vascular walls and the quality of blood coagulation. Ascorbic acid has excellent antioxidant properties, so it can help reduce the likelihood of cataracts and retinal ailments. High amount of vitamin C in rose hips, citrus fruits, bell peppers, apples.
  • Vitamin E or tocopherol also has antioxidant effects. It significantly reduces the likelihood of retinal detachment, protects against the formation of cataracts and maintains the required level of vision in patients with diabetes. Tocopherol normalizes the blood clotting process, participates in metabolic reactions, and improves muscle tone.You can ensure the supply of this vitamin by including vegetable oil, liver, meat, eggs or milk in the menu.
  • B vitamins help promote energy production in the body and are involved in cellular respiration. The lack of these substances is bad for the state of the nervous system and especially damages the eyesight. Eating grains, nuts, dairy products, legumes, vegetables, fish, and eggs can increase these beneficial nutrients.

What form can be vitamins for the eyes

Improving the diet is always beneficial, but in this way it is impossible to achieve a full supply of the body with the necessary vitamins. It is much more effective to take special multivitamin complexes that improve eye health and the quality of vision.

There are drugs in pharmacies that purposefully act against age-related visual ailments - cataracts, macular destruction or glaucoma. Other means allow, with regular use, to eliminate vision problems at dusk, to correct hyperopia or myopia. It is not difficult to purchase such complex preparations in a pharmacy without a specialist's prescription.

Modern vision-improving drugs are available on sale in several forms:

  • Vitamins drops are widely known and are very popular among patients for their great effectiveness. They act directly in the eyes, so the beneficial ingredients quickly reach the desired goal. However, according to ophthalmologists, it is sometimes not safe to use such drugs, since, due to frequent use, they can irritate the mucous membranes. It is necessary to use such vitamins only if there is a significant load on the eyesight or the likelihood of irritation is high.
  • Tablet vitamins are a convenient and traditional form of preparations. It is convenient to use such funds anytime and anywhere. Such drugs must be taken in a course. It is best to do this in the winter to replenish the natural deficiency of nutrients. You can also take a course of vitamins in the fall as preparation for the upcoming cold season. You can buy vitamins for vision in tablets without a prescription from an ophthalmologist at a pharmacy.
  • Vitamin preparations in ampoules are quite rare on the market. Their composition is almost always similar, although there are some differences, so you can choose the best remedy, starting from the existing problem. Only a specialist can recommend vitamins in the form of injections after a thorough examination of the patient's health. Injections must also be performed by a qualified technician.

List of the best complexes useful for visual acuity

In the assortment of modern pharmacies, you can find various multivitamin complexes that benefit vision and improve eye function. They contain vitamins in various combinations and concentrations, mineral components required for vision and bioactive components zeaxanthin and lutein. The effect of the latter is very similar to the work of antioxidants, so they are required for normal vision. They improve the local immunity of the cornea to the harmful effects of the surrounding world.

The presence of these bioactive substances allows you to maintain the quality of vision, even under conditions of significant stress and high stress. Therefore, when purchasing vitamins for the eyes, one should give preference to complexes that include lutein and zeaxanthin.

Multivitamins for vision can be targeted or influence in several areas at the same time: to prevent a decrease in acuity, improve regeneration, promote healing from chronic ailments, and stop progressive blindness.

Rating of vitamins with lutein content

Doppelherz Aktiv Eye Vitamins

These vitamins enrich the body with a unique complex of nutrients that normalize visual acuity. The package contains 30 capsules, which are enough for exactly 1 month.The preparation contains useful lutein, zinc, the whole complex of vitamins and zeakstatin. The drug has an antioxidant effect and protects the eyes from free radical damage.

  • improves vision;
  • reduces the manifestations of cataracts;
  • reduces retinal degeneration;
  • has a positive effect on vision;
  • recommended by ophthalmologists;
  • relieves stress.
  • not found.

The cost of this vitamin complex is 395 rubles.

Doppelgerz active Eye vitamins with lutein and blueberry capsules 30 pcs


This drug is produced in Poland as an active food supplement. It protects the organ of vision in several ways. With the help of the tool, it is possible to ensure the protection of the macula and the lens from traumatic external influences. This remedy is recommended to be taken with a decrease in visual acuity from intense light, smoking tobacco, lack of vitamins. The composition includes lutein, mineral supplements, fatty acids that normalize eye function.

  • rich composition;
  • convenience of reception;
  • the eyes stop hurting;
  • redness passes.
  • high price.

The average cost in a pharmacy is 655 rubles.

SuperOptics capsules

Bausch + Lomb Ocuwaite Forte

The drug is a complex of mineral compounds and vitamins useful for the eyes. The composition includes carotenoids of plant origin, vitamins and microelements. The tool protects the retina from the sun's rays, which, if the body is insufficiently supplied with vitamins, can destroy it.

  • has a firming effect on the vessels of the fundus;
  • useful for the elderly;
  • inhibits age-related visual impairment;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • high price.

The average price of vitamins is 755 rubles.

Bausch + Lomb Ocuwaite Forte

Alcon Vitalux Plus

The drug is produced in the USA in the form of a dietary supplement, is a coated tablet. Its main feature is the components of natural origin. The complex contains many vitamins, lutein, fish oil, and many other components. The drug maintains eye health and prevents the development of pathological processes.

  • can be used as a prophylaxis;
  • natural composition;
  • prevents the development of diseases.
  • 1 package is only enough for half the course;
  • many contraindications.

The cost of the funds is 580 rubles.

Vitalux Plus capsules

Vitamins for the correction of myopia

Strix Forte

This drug is a dietary supplement. It is recommended to be taken to meet the body's needs for vitamins, lutein, anthocyanosides. The product contains blueberry extract and marigold extract. You can take this complex from the age of 14, 1-2 tablets. The duration of the course is from 1 to 3 months. This drug is especially effective if its use is combined with special gymnastics for the eyes.

  • improves the result of myopia treatment;
  • prevents the development of ophthalmic diseases.
  • the full course requires several packages.

The average cost of the drug is 685 rubles.

Strix forte tablets

Complivit Ophthalmo

The product is available in the form of film-coated tablets. it is allowed to use it only after reaching the age of 18. The composition includes many mineral compounds and vitamins, and also contains carotenoids of plant origin. The drug prevents insufficient supply of nutrients to the body, removes fatigue, relieves pain. It is useful to take it with significant eye strain. The duration of use is 3 months.

  • is a complete drug;
  • prevents the development of myopia;
  • supports eye health;
  • high efficiency.
  • you need several packages for a full course.

The average cost of the drug is 250 rubles.

Complivit Ophthalmo

Farsightedness correcting vitamins

Evalar Blueberry Forte

This drug is one of the most popular for improving vision. It allows you to treat ophthalmic diseases and prevents their development. This complex is especially effective for correcting hyperopia. Contains zinc and vitamins that are beneficial to eye health. Vitamins can be taken by children from the age of three.

  • corrects hyperopia;
  • relieves eye fatigue;
  • maintains visual acuity;
  • strengthens the vessels of the fundus;
  • improves vision in the dark;
  • allowed for children.
  • has contraindications.

The cost of this drug is 180 rubles.

Evalar Blueberry Forte

Focus Forte

The Russian-made drug helps to maintain vision. In addition to useful vitamins, it contains zinc, zeaxanthin and other useful components. It contains blueberry anthocyanin, which improves blood circulation in the eyes and strengthens their blood vessels. Thanks to the content of lutein, it is able to resist retinal degeneration and prevents its destruction.

  • preserves vision;
  • prevents hyperopia;
  • improves blood supply to the eyes;
  • protects from sunlight.
  • should not be taken in childhood;
  • high price.

The cost of the complex is 525 rubles.

Focus forte tablets

Popular vitamins in drops

Alcon System Ultra

The drug in the form of drops has been in constant demand for several years. It should be used to relieve signs of fatigue and dry mucous membranes. The drug protects against harmful effects and relieves unpleasant symptoms.

  • instant efficiency;
  • long-term preservation of action;
  • does not blur vision;
  • can be used when wearing contact lenses.
  • not found.

The average cost of vitamins is 540 rubles.

Alcon System Ultra


This is one of the most popular vitamins in the form of drops. The product contains taurine as the main component, which activates regeneration processes in diseases that disrupt metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye. The drug improves metabolism and restores the protective mechanism of membranes. The drops will be useful for the treatment of cataracts, glaucoma, elimination of microtrauma and retinal degeneration.

  • convenient bottle shape;
  • helps with many diseases;
  • replenishes the lack of vitamins;
  • affordable price
  • keeps the eyes healthy.
  • not found.

The average cost of drops is 145 rubles.

Taufon eye drops

List of vitamins for preserving vision in children

Vitrum Vision

The drug is a complex agent that saturates the body with useful mineral compounds and vitamins. It also contains plant carotenoids that improve visual acuity. With its use, the course significantly reduces the risk of destruction of the retina and eye diseases. The composition also includes ascorbic acid, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene and other components useful for vision.

Vitamins are recommended for children of middle and senior school age to reduce eye strain. It is especially useful for children who spend a lot of time at the computer.

  • high efficiency;
  • getting rid of redness and dryness;
  • improved vision.
  • high price.

The average price of the drug is 735 rubles.

Vitrum Vision Tablets

Lutein Complex Children's

The composition of this drug includes elements and vitamins necessary for the benefit of vision in childhood. The components include lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, taurine, blueberry extract, zinc and vitamins. taking this agent allows you to create protection for the vessels of the eyes, provides an antioxidant effect, and normalizes metabolic processes. After taking it, the likelihood of developing eye diseases at school age is significantly reduced. the tool perfectly helps with myopia and removes inflammation.

  • high efficiency;
  • designed with the needs of the child in mind;
  • affordable price;
  • protects eyes from harmful effects.
  • not found.

The cost of the drug is 285 rubles.

Children's lutein (eye complex)
P / p No.NameThe formFeatures:Price
1Doppelherz Aktiv Eye Vitaminscapsuleswith lutein395
2SuperOpticscapsuleswith lutein655
3Bausch + Lomb Ocuwaite Fortepillswith lutein755
4Alcon Vitalux Pluscapsuleswith lutein580
5Strix Fortepillsfor myopia correction685
6Complivit Ophthalmopillsfor myopia correction285
7Evalar Blueberry Fortepillsagainst hyperopia180
8Focus Fortepillsagainst hyperopia525
9Alcon System Ultrain dropsagainst dryness540
10Taufon in dropsagainst dryness145
11Vitrum Visionpillsfor kids735
12Lutein Complex Children'spillsfor kids285

The ranking contains a list of the most effective and popular vitamin preparations for the eyes. But when buying a specific product, it is recommended that you first consult with a specialist.


