
  1. Symptoms
  2. What to do with a panic attack
  3. Treatment
  4. Sedatives
  5. Anxiolytics
  6. Antidepressants

Rating of the best drugs for panic attacks for 2020

Rating of the best drugs for panic attacks for 2020

A panic attack is a sudden attack of uncontrollable fear or anxiety accompanied by somatic or cognitive symptoms (memory loss, forgetfulness). A sharp increase in blood pressure, dizziness, nausea is possible. The attack develops rapidly, within 10 minutes, but also quickly passes.

Important! Panic attacks themselves are not a disease, but if repeated many times, they can greatly reduce the quality of life. And they can also signal the presence of serious diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine systems.

Treatment, including medication, is prescribed by a doctor. But it's worth knowing what OTC drugs can be taken to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.


An uncontrollable state of fear and panic can be associated with any anxious situation (for example, in a person who is afraid of insects, an attack can happen at the sight of a spider), with existing somatic diseases, or it can arise spontaneously, for no particular reason. As a rule, frequent panic attacks are characteristic of people with severe depression, cardiovascular disease, and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

It is worth noting that a feeling of fear can arise under normal circumstances, in a familiar environment, for example, at home, on a walk or in a minibus that a person commutes to work every day.

The primary symptomatology of a panic attack is similar to a heart attack (increased blood pressure, increased heart rate). That is why the diagnosis of panic conditions is difficult (the attack lasts an average of 10 minutes).

The main symptom is the rapid development of an attack. The feeling of anxiety, discomfort very quickly turns into intense fear, panic. After a few minutes, a strong heartbeat appears, it becomes difficult to breathe (feeling of a lump in the throat or suffocation). You may also experience increased sweating, numbness of the limbs. There is severe dizziness, up to a light-headed state, tremors of the hands.

People who first encounter a panic attack experience fear of death.

What happens during an attack

If we consider a panic attack from the point of view of physiology, then the attack develops as follows: strong anxiety activates the production of the hormone cortisol in the adrenal glands, then vasoconstriction occurs, which means that the blood flow increases (increased blood pressure, strong heartbeat). For the same reason, abdominal cramps are possible, accompanied by severe pain. As a result of tachycardia, shortness of breath, a feeling of "suffocation" (a person cannot breathe fully) or lack of air occurs.

What to do with a panic attack

An attack can be taken by surprise at any time. In this case, the main thing is to try to distract yourself. To get rid of fear, you can walk around the room, turn on the TV, squeeze and unclench your palms - to occupy yourself with the simplest actions. Some doctors advise mentally counting the number of breaths in and out, or solving simple problems in your mind.

If attacks happen frequently, always bring a bottle of water with you. As a rule, a few sips of water help to calm down a little and adequately assess the situation.

Breathing is also worth mentioning. During a panic attack, the heart rate increases, causing even more fear, so the first thing to do is to normalize your breathing. To do this, it is worth learning how to breathe in beats - count to 4 per breath, hold your breath (also counting to 4), exhale slowly.

Relatives can also help a person in a state of panic attack - take a hand, ask about any little things. The main thing is to speak in a calm and confident voice. If there are any sedatives in the house (even valerian tincture is suitable), you can give them to the patient.

Which doctor to contact

People who have experienced panic attacks at least once begin to fear recurrences of attacks, especially when attacks of anxiety or fear begin suddenly, for no apparent reason. In many patients prone to frequent seizures, over time, there is a feeling that they are going crazy, or at least have serious mental disorders. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of seizures is far from idle.

The exact cause of panic attacks is unknown. The frequency of attacks can be affected by problems with the endocrine, cardiovascular systems. As a rule, people with a catastrophic type of thinking, who tend to dramatize the smallest events, are more likely to be subject to panic attacks. And also people with heightened emotional sensitivity or experiencing constant emotional discomfort. In this case, overwork, stress, or just a conversation in a raised voice can become the impetus for the occurrence of panic attacks.

To solve the problem once and for all, you need to see a doctor. First of all - to a neurologist. After examination and collection of anamnesis, the specialist will exclude diseases with similar symptoms, and if the diagnosis is confirmed, he will prescribe medications (in some cases, prescription drugs).

The second step is to see a psychotherapist. The doctor can help you figure out the root cause of your fears. It is possible that the seizures are associated with some kind of psychological trauma (and suffered in early childhood) that remind of themselves in this way. In this case, sessions with a psychotherapist, supplemented by drug therapy, give good results, help get rid of panic attacks.


Medicines can only be prescribed by a doctor. Medications for the treatment of panic attacks are divided into 3 main groups:

  • sedatives;
  • anxiolytics (tranquilizers);
  • antidepressants.

Depending on the group, the drugs have an effect on the nervous and vascular systems. So, antidepressants and sedatives help restore the nervous system, relieve anxiety, and neutralize the effects of psychoemotional stress. Antipsychotics suppress aggression, reduce psychomotor agitation, and are prescribed for mental disorders.


Effective at the first manifestations of panic attacks. Such drugs have a mild sedative effect, improve sleep, and help get rid of anxiety. Another plus is that most sedatives contain natural herbal ingredients. You can buy them at the pharmacy, without a prescription.


Valemidine is a combined sedative. As part of the tincture of motherwort, hawthorn, valerian and peppermint, as well as diphenhydramine in a small dosage (0.025 g per 25 ml of the drug). It has a sedative and antispasmodic effect.

It is used to eliminate the symptoms of panic attack (relieve the feeling of anxiety, fear), normalize sleep in case of insomnia. Both a one-time appointment and a course appointment are possible to stabilize the emotional state.
Release form - drops, yellowish or brown in color with a characteristic odor.

Contraindicated in heart failure (in acute and chronic stages), pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

With frequent panic attacks, Valemidin, like other sedatives, will not cope, but it is prescribed as an adjunct in complex treatment.

  • relieves feelings of anxiety, fear;
  • normalizes sleep with insomnia.
  • does not heal, it is prescribed as an adjuvant.


A preparation with a natural composition. The active ingredients are dry extracts of lemon balm, valerian and mint. It has a pronounced sedative, moderate antispasmodic and hypnotic effect.

Important! Strengthens the effect of painkillers, sedatives, as well as drugs that depress the central nervous system, when used together, a dosage adjustment is required.

It is indicated for irritability, nervousness, sleep disorders. Relieves anxiety, helps prevent panic attacks in the initial stage. Sold without a prescription, comes in pill and drop form.

When taken regularly, as monotherapy, it is able to stop an attack at the initial stage. This is confirmed by customer reviews.

It is prescribed as a prophylactic agent, and in combination with prescription drugs.

  • is able to stop an attack at the initial stage;
  • relieves feelings of anxiety, helps prevent panic attacks in the initial stage.
  • not found.


Novo-passit is a sedative based on herbal extracts supplemented with guaifenesin (anxiolytic, reduces anxiety, fear, emotional stress). It is indicated for neurasthenia, irritability, high emotional stress, manifestations of obsessive states.
Release form - tablets, syrup.

With frequent attacks, Novopassit will not help, but it can be used in complex therapy in combination with prescription drugs. Since the medicine enhances the effect of sedatives, joint administration is possible only after consulting a doctor (he will also select the optimal dosage).

Contraindications: allergy to components, myasthenia gravis, pregnancy, lactation.
The drug is sold without a prescription and is effective at the initial stage of an attack (Novopassit syrup acts faster). It can also be used as a prophylaxis.

  • the drug is sold without a prescription;
  • effective at the initial stage of an attack.
  • there are contraindications.


They are used for diagnosed mental disorders, sold in pharmacies only as prescribed by a doctor. The dosage and dosage regimen are selected individually, depending on the symptoms.

Anxiolytics are effective, quickly stop attacks, reduce the frequency of manifestations of panic attacks, depressing the central nervous system, while simultaneously eliminating anxiety and irritability. On average, the positive effect is achieved within a few days after administration.

Of the significant disadvantages - a large number of side effects, including those associated with impaired concentration. With prolonged use, addiction is possible, as a result - withdrawal symptoms after withdrawal.


Prescription drug of the benzodiazepine series, has a sedative, hypnotic, anticonvulsant effect. It is actively used to treat conditions accompanied by increased anxiety, neuroses, and panic attacks.

The effectiveness has been proven both by the patients themselves and by specialists. But it is worth remembering that Phenazepam is a serious drug that has contraindications and a wide range of side effects.Long-term treatment is not recommended, since the drug causes physical dependence (if canceled, the condition may worsen).
The tablets are taken at the first symptoms of panic attack, in doses recommended by the attending physician.

  • effective;
  • affordable cost.
  • has contraindications and a wide range of side effects;
  • causes physical dependence.


It is used to treat anxiety conditions accompanied by panic attacks. It has a sedative, anesthetic and antispasmodic effect, improves the quality and duration of night sleep (reduces the number of awakenings, eliminates the feeling of fear and unreasonable anxiety).

The medicine affects the concentration of attention, the speed of psychomotor reactions, therefore it is recommended to take the pills in the evening, before bedtime.

Reviews for Atarax are mostly positive. People note a significant improvement in their condition, a decrease in the number of panic attacks, an improvement in the quality of sleep, a decrease in anxiety, and a normalization of the emotional background (decrease in irritability).

The tablets are sold only by prescription, the dosage is prescribed by the attending physician (exceeding the dose is undesirable - the risk of side effects is likely).

  • decrease in the number of panic attacks;
  • improved sleep quality;
  • reducing anxiety;
  • normalization of the emotional background.
  • sold by prescription only.


One of the most commonly prescribed drugs. The effectiveness of treatment is due to anxiolytic (eliminates anxiety, bad feelings, suspiciousness, tearfulness) and a slight stimulating effect of Afobazol. Eliminates somatic alarming symptoms - respiratory, cardiovascular (normalizes the rhythm), as well as irritability.

It is used to treat mild and moderate neuroses, panic attacks in the initial stage, normalizes the emotional background, eliminates the symptoms of depressive conditions.

It is not addictive and has no side effects. When canceled, there is no withdrawal syndrome. A lasting result is achieved after a course intake, on average for 5-7 days (the maximum effect occurs on day 14). Another plus is the absence of negative reactions in the first days of admission.

Afobazole is approved for free sale - no prescription is required. But you should not prescribe it yourself; it is better to consult a doctor in advance.

  • helps to improve memory and concentration;
  • allowed for free sale.
  • not detected.


A drug with a moderate anxiolytic, pronounced sedative effect. Does not cause drowsiness, improves memory and attention, does not cause addiction even after prolonged use. It is prescribed to relieve anxiety, with increased internal tension and irritability. Sold by prescription.
Grandaxin can be used once - to stop an attack, the clinical effect occurs within half an hour after administration, as well as courses or for prevention purposes.

The drug has been highly appreciated by doctors and patients. The dosage and duration of the course of treatment is prescribed by a specialist.

  • earned high marks from doctors and patients;
  • the clinical effect occurs within half an hour after administration.
  • not detected.


Antidepressants, despite their name, are used not only in the treatment of depressive conditions, but also to reduce the frequency of panic attacks. Reduces anxiety, normalizes the emotional background.
As a rule, antidepressants are taken as a course. The first days of admission may be accompanied by a worsening of the condition, the clinical effect is achieved after 2-3 weeks of admission. After a course of administration, 80% of patients experience a decrease in the frequency of attacks or their complete disappearance.


It belongs to the group of antidepressants, has a weak analgesic, antiarrhythmic effect. The effectiveness is confirmed by both doctors and patients.In some cases, amitriptyline is superior to similar drugs of the new generation. Differs in more than affordable price.

Release form - tablets, injection. The latter option is optimal for emergency assistance. Dispensed by prescription, requires adherence to the prescribed dosage.

Side effects - drowsiness and weakness, increased exposure to ethanol, so it is better to refuse to drink alcohol during the treatment period.

  • the effectiveness is confirmed by both doctors and patients.
  • drowsiness and weakness;
  • increased exposure to ethanol.


It has a mild effect, suitable for the treatment of mild to moderate neuroses. With regard to panic attacks, the remedy is effective in rare (single) attacks. Does not cause drowsiness, does not reduce activity. Suitable for daytime use.

There are few side effects - allergic reactions to components, pregnancy and lactation. Reviews are controversial, but in most cases, patients notice an improvement in their condition.

The daily dose is prescribed by the doctor, depending on the symptoms. It is recommended to strictly follow the recommendations for admission, not exceeding the dosage recommended by a specialist. You cannot buy pills in a pharmacy without a prescription.

  • there are few side effects;
  • soft action;
  • suitable for the treatment of neuroses.
  • You cannot buy without a prescription.


The active ingredient is escitalopram. The drug is indicated for depressive conditions of varying severity, neurological disorders and increased irritability. In order to avoid an increase in symptoms, it is recommended to start taking with the minimum doses, with a gradual increase.

The medicine has a number of side effects from the central nervous system, reproductive system (decreased libido), cardiovascular (increased heart rate), sensory organs (change in taste).

Despite the large list of side effects and contraindications, the drug is considered one of the best, plus an affordable price (when compared with analogues based on the same active substance).

The product is dispensed by prescription and requires strict adherence to the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

  • affordable price;
  • effective.
  • dispensed by prescription.

Before buying this or that drug, you need to consult with your doctor. The rating is provided for informational purposes only.


