
  1. Signs and symptoms of anemia
  2. Causes of iron deficiency
  3. How to choose an iron supplement
  4. Best iron supplements for adults
  5. The best iron supplements for children
  6. Best iron supplements for pregnant women
  7. Conclusion

Rating of the best iron supplements for anemia for 2020

Rating of the best iron supplements for anemia for 2020

Iron deficiency in the body leads to various undesirable consequences. This trace mineral delivers oxygen through the blood throughout the body. In the case of anemia, the circulatory system is disturbed, and the consequences of oxygen starvation are manifested very clearly, first of all, the brain and other vital organs suffer.

Signs and symptoms of anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is a common diagnosis in pregnant women, children and the elderly. Manifestations of iron deficiency are manifested by such signs as:

  • dryness and hair loss;
  • fragility and delamination of nails;
  • cracks around the lips;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • frequent headaches;
  • pathological changes in taste: there is a desire to eat inedible;
  • drowsiness, fatigue.

The macronutrient iron is responsible not only for oxygen delivery, but also for many other metabolic processes.

Causes of iron deficiency

A way to detect anemia is a biochemical blood test. If the hemoglobin level is below 120, then this is a direct indicator of a lack of macronutrient. If this happens, you need to see a doctor and, as soon as possible, start the prescribed treatment.

  • The main causes of the disease:
  • improper nutrition;
  • profuse bleeding;
  • some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pregnancy;
  • prematurity of the fetus;
  • bad habits.

Timely undetected anemia in childhood can lead to mental retardation and physical underdevelopment.

How to choose an iron supplement

It is necessary to choose a medicine for anemia based on the recommendations of the attending physician. Pharmacology produces several types of medicines for iron deficiency anemia:

  • preparations that contain ferrous iron act quickly, have side effects;
  • medicines containing ferric organic iron are slowly absorbed and easier to tolerate;
  • vitamin complexes based on ferric iron are used for the prevention and treatment of anemia.

Before buying a drug, you need to find out what medications are, study the instructions for treatment and about contraindications. Find out information about the best manufacturers, where to buy: at the nearest pharmacy or in the online store.

Best iron supplements for adults

For middle-aged and elderly people, medicines are prescribed in any form of release. The doctor takes into account the test results, other individual indicators of the patient and prescribes a course of treatment.


average price: 400 rubles.

Red gelatin capsules, each of which contains 3 tablets: 2 pieces with iron furamate and 1 piece with folic acid. The drug of complex action, not only stimulates the synthesis of hemoglobin, but also, thanks to vitamin B6, increases the production of amino acids in the blood, supplies the body with oxygen.

The medicine is prescribed for a special type of anemia caused by a lack of folic acid in the body, as well as after prolonged bleeding or malnutrition. Duration of admission is 8-12 weeks.

The list of contraindications is not as extensive as in other similar drugs: impaired absorption of iron, as well as its excessive accumulation, lack of vitamin B12, causes of anemia that are not associated with iron deficiency.

  • rare manifestations of side effects.
  • allergic reactions;
  • should not be taken by children under 12 years of age.


average price: 450 rubles.

Enteric-coated beige capsules contain a red powder inside. One such capsule contains 115 mg of Fe. Auxiliary elements: magnesium stearate, lactose, colloidal silicon dioxide, sodium in the form of lauryl sulfate. Shell composition: gelatin, titanium dioxide and pigments.

The drug cures anemia, has accumulative properties: if taken for prophylaxis, then an iron reserve is created in the body.

After entering the intestine, the active substance is absorbed within 4 hours, spent on the synthesis of hemoglobin and is deposited in the form of hemosiderin and ferritin. Protein compounds and ascorbic acid enhance drug absorption. "Heferol" completely disintegrates in 12-13 hours and is excreted from the body with sweat, urine and feces.

Take with great care for the following diseases: hepatitis, Crohn's disease, peptic ulcer.

  • can be taken by pregnant women;
  • in a short (4-6 weeks) time it cures anemia;
  • should not be taken for stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • may cause nausea and vomiting.


average price: 250 rubles.

It is produced in the form of capsules containing microgranules. The complex of vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C) and minerals significantly improves the absorption of the drug, prevents the prooxidant effect of iron, accelerates the metabolism of amino acids, the synthesis of neurotransmitters. Calcium pantothenate is involved in the complex oxidation of fats and carbohydrates.

The drug has not only a therapeutic, but also a restorative effect, when, as a result of vitamin deficiency and iron deficiency, the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is disturbed in the body.

  • budgetary cost;
  • convenient way of taking (1 tablet per day);
  • the presence of a vitamin complex.
  • allergic reactions;
  • gastrointestinal problems (constipation, diarrhea, nausea).


average price: 450 rubles.

A combined product, which, in addition to iron, contains 16 vitamins and minerals: 4 types of B vitamins, ascorbic, pantothenic and folic acids, copper, manganese, malt, iodine, etc. This complex replenishes iron deficiency, normalizes hemoglobin biosynthesis, activates oxidative processes, increases the activity of the body.

Indications for use: prevention of iron deficiency and vitamin B-12 deficiencies, increased need for iron, impaired absorption from the gastrointestinal tract.

  • vitamin composition;
  • no age restrictions;
  • low cost.
  • does not have.


average price: 600 rubles.

It is produced in the form of capsules that contain Fe2 and ascorbic acid. It is classified as a dietary supplement and is a source of heme iron and amino acids. Produced from purified hemoglobin of farm animals. "Hemohelper" successfully eliminates the often common symptoms of anemia: fatigue, daytime sleepiness, headaches and dizziness, depression and weakness. During and after treatment, the body's defenses increase.

Indications for use: iron deficiency anemia of varying degrees, pregnancy, developmental delay, frequent acute respiratory viral infections, increased physical activity, treatment with radiation chemotherapy. The course of admission continues until the normalization of test results.

  • there are no age restrictions;
  • small list of contraindications: excess weight, diabetes.
  • does not have.


average price: 3000 rub.

The drug is in the form of a colloidal solution, contains iron-carbohydrate nanoparticles and regulates metabolic processes. Has an age limit - the use is strictly from the age of 18.

The remedy is prescribed in case of large blood loss and diseases associated with the intestines. "Likferr" is introduced exclusively intravenously by drip or jet method, strictly observing the speed, in the hospital.

  • high efficiency.
  • a large list of contraindications and side effects;
  • cost.


average price: 1200 rubles.

It is produced in the form of a red-brown liquid and is sold in a dark glass bottle. The solution has a sweetish taste, with a weak raspberry hint.

In addition to iron, the composition contains vitamins and minerals: C, B12, folic acid, zinc sulfate. After application, the drug is completely absorbed in the small intestine, the concentration of iron increases after a few hours. The effect lasts throughout the day, and remains for a long time at the end of treatment.

  • complex vitamin composition;
  • quick elimination of fatigue and other unpleasant symptoms of the disease;
  • prevents thrombosis.
  • does not have.


average price: 1000 rubles.

The main feature of the biological active additive "Gemobin" is its basic base - purified hemoglobin of animals, which is completely identical to the human one. It also contains lactose, vitamin C, calcium stearic acid.

Hemobin is suitable for both treatment and prevention of iron deficiency, activates hematopoiesis, relieves symptoms, and improves brain activity. The course of admission is a month.

  • improves immunity;
  • has a good composition;
  • suitable for treatment and prevention;
  • acceptable cost.
  • does not have.

The best iron supplements for children

When choosing a drug for a child, parents usually try to consider which drug is best absorbed and its safety. These characteristics directly affect the duration and convenience of the treatment process. Almost all children do not like taking various medications very much, so a quick result is one of the main selection criteria. For very young, under the age of 3 years, preparations are produced in liquid form.
Since the main component of Fe2 + is in the composition of most drugs for anemia, such drugs cause irritation from the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, stool disturbance. Therefore, in our rating, we presented medicines with excellent absorption parameters, which contain the trace element Fe3 +.

Ferrum Lek

average price: 700 rubles.

It is sold in the form of syrup, drops and chewable tablets, with chocolate and vanilla flavors. For those who suffer from diabetes, the drug should be taken with extreme caution, due to the high sugar content of the product.
Indications for use: iron deficiency anemia, latent deficiency in infants.

The drug is also produced in the form of injections, however, mainly for adults who do not have the opportunity to take orally: reduced digestibility from the gastrointestinal tract, pronounced negative reactions in the form of nausea and vomiting.

Ferrum Lek
  • does not stain tooth enamel;
  • not addictive;
  • practically does not cause gastrointestinal disorders.
  • concentration of sugar.

Maltofer drops

average price: 300 rubles.

A brown solution with a pleasant smell and taste, 20 drops of which contains 50 mg of the main trace element. It is considered by doctors and users to be one of the best products with high efficiency.

The drops can be mixed with juices, baby food, or formula. The daily dose can be taken as a single dose or in divided doses. The course of admission is up to 5 months, after the tests are normalized, the treatment continues for another 1-2 months.

"Maltofer" for children is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • latent iron deficiency;
  • for prevention.

The drug is well tolerated, does not change the color of the tooth enamel and has a low number of side effects.

Maltofer drops
  • safety due to the low likelihood of intoxication.
  • does not have.

Best iron supplements for pregnant women

Prevention of iron deficiency during pregnancy is widespread. Since a woman's body works hard, there is often a lack of vitamins and other elements necessary for full functioning. Doctors recommend taking medications that contain Fe2 +.


average price: 600 rubles.

Manufacturer: Tot'hema, Laboratoire INNOTECH INTERNATIONAL (France). The composition includes iron, as well as manganese and copper, which improve the absorption of the main element. In addition, they strengthen the protection of the stomach against the unpleasant side effects of the drug: heartburn, nausea.

"Totem" is produced in the form of ampoules with a solution of dark color, the liquid must be added to 200 mg of water or juice, preferably apple juice. Up to 4 doses are used per day, which increase gradually.

Contraindications: hemochromatosis, thalassemia, hemosiderosis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, children under 3 months of age, Wilson-Konovalov's disease.

  • enhances immunity;
  • composition.
  • the enamel on the teeth darkens, so it is recommended to drink the solution through a tube;
  • a very peculiar taste that will not please everyone.

Sorbifer Durules

average price: 500 rubles.

Produced in the form of tablets, the composition contains iron + vitamin C. This combination allows the body to absorb the trace element Fe2 +. The ions of the trace element are gradually released and evenly enter the blood. The plastic shell of the tablet does not react to gastric juice, but completely dissolves in the intestine, which contributes to the complete release of the active element.

According to buyers - "Sorbifer Durules" is an effective and not too expensive drug from those that are not addictive. Of course, there are also negative reviews from users who had to deal with the side effects of the drug. Therefore, you must carefully study the instructions before taking.

Sorbifer Durules
  • fast absorption;
  • quick effect.
  • side effects;
  • list of contraindications.


average price: 350 rubles.

In addition to the main element, the medicine contains folic acid, which normalizes blood formation and forms the fetal nervous system. It is recommended to take 1-3 tablets per day, according to test indications. After the hemoglobin level has returned to normal, the dosage is reduced to 1 piece per day. The course of treatment lasts from 1 to 3 months.

Attention! It must be remembered that "Gyno-tardiferon", like all similar drugs, contribute to the staining of the stool black. If you donate a fecal occult blood test during treatment, it will be positive. But this result will be false, since it is influenced by the presence of iron in the supplied material, which usually does not exist there.

  • folic acid in the composition;
  • slow release of the active substance.
  • contraindications.


Decreased hemoglobin is a common disease that causes annoying problems for adults and children. Special drugs that need to be taken only as prescribed by doctors do an excellent job with it. Such medicines eliminate all types of iron deficiency, the most important thing is to choose the right remedy correctly.


