
  1. Exposure to toothpaste
  2. What's in the line-up?
  3. Types of toothpastes
  4. How to choose the right whitening paste?
  5. Conclusion

Best Whitening Toothpastes in 2020

Best Whitening Toothpastes in 2020

Even in ancient times, our ancestors were worried about such a question as the cleanliness and health of teeth. People used sand and chalk as cleaners due to the presence of fluorine, calcium and silicon in these substances. These components are also present in the composition of modern toothpastes - their beneficial effect on our chewing organs has been proven for centuries.

But unlike people of the past, the choice of means for cleaning teeth in our country is much wider: in modern stores and pharmacies, counters are literally bursting with a variety of such products, so the question of how to choose a paste becomes very relevant. One of the types of such means are whitening pastes, we will tell you about the most effective ones in this article.

Exposure to toothpaste

Now on our TV screens you can see a huge number of commercials, strongly recommending to buy one or another popular paste. But can you always trust advertising? In order to understand which tool is better to buy, you need to know how and what it affects.

The active substances that make up the composition primarily affect the outer protective shell of the tooth - the enamel. In the enamel composition, the main components, whose amount must be strictly observed and balanced, are calcium and fluorine. Not every toothpaste is able to gently clean the enamel from dirt without damaging it. Sometimes you can find calcium in its composition, which, at first glance, seems to be a clear plus, but in reality this is not entirely true.

The element is presented in the form of a compound of calcium carbonate, whose main function is to mechanically clean the enamel from all kinds of food residues and plaque, but sometimes the grains of calcium are so large that they injure the tooth enamel. And this is fraught with its weakening and erasure, which further leads to hypersensitivity of the tooth to acidic foods and painful sensations of the oral cavity.

Also, do not forget that toothpaste is aimed not only at cleansing, but also at destroying pathogens in our language, the inner part of the cheeks and gums. The condition and health of the gums determines how long our teeth will be strong and durable, so it is very important that the product does not cause irritation or, in worst cases, bleeding of the gums.

What's in the line-up?

Most people tend to choose toothpaste based on its price, tube size, or, in general, which company is better. But in fact, the main criterion for choosing this product should be the composition. Statistics show that only 10% of drugs for sale have a composition based on natural ingredients, and even then in most cases only approximate.

Buy toothpaste at a pharmacy, so you will protect yourself from possible counterfeits and low-quality products, because quality control is much higher here than in ordinary stores.

Any product contains water, substances that serve for moistening, various impurities and additives, as well as the very particles for cleaning - an abrasive. Nowadays, trihydric alcohol, glycerin, sorbitol is added to most modern pastes. The safety of these substances is clinically proven and does not pose a threat. The following substances pose a certain danger:

  1. Triclon - this substance is an antibiotic, so it is easy to guess that it will only harm a healthy person. Triclon is used only as directed by a doctor, otherwise you risk getting problems with digestion, lungs, and disrupting the kidneys and brain activity.
  2. Lauryl sulfate is a dangerous allergen for the body, which can cause burning and rashes on the body.
  3. Polyphosphates - if present, they can provoke inflammation of the oral cavity and gums.
  4. Fluoride - the presence of fluoride is not always useful for tooth enamel, because its excess provokes darkening of the teeth.

Now, when you read the composition, you know which substances you should definitely beware of in order to avoid complications and negative consequences.

Types of toothpastes

All toothpastes differ in their characteristics and purpose, because each person has their own needs regarding oral care. They are determined by the health of the teeth, the presence of various diseases, to prevent which certain types of funds are directed.

Hygienic paste

Hygienic toothpastes are created for people with healthy and strong teeth. Their effect is aimed at superficial cleansing of enamel from pathogenic bacteria and food debris, at achieving a purely antibacterial effect. Such funds are recommended for people without the presence of diseases of the oral cavity and teeth, since they are aimed only at gentle cleansing and maintaining health.

Treatment-and-prophylactic toothpastes

Usually, in the presence of diseases of the oral cavity, such as caries, periodontitis, bleeding gums, dentists prescribe a special paste to their clients that will help to cope with a specific problem. The preventive effect is that the drug provides protection against the occurrence of diseases and destruction of enamel and gums.

Whitening toothpastes

Whitening toothpastes are in unprecedented demand nowadays. And this is not surprising, because everyone wants to become the owner of a snow-white smile. Whitening agents can significantly lighten the tooth enamel, but you need to be extremely careful with them.

The main purpose of such a paste is to remove impurities from the tooth enamel with the help of large abrasive particles in its composition, often thinning and injuring it at the same time. This is why using a whitening toothpaste can have both positive and negative effects. In order to avoid them, when buying a drug with this effect, you should give preference to options with the presence of active fluoride in the composition, and also use the product with breaks of 2-3 days.

How to choose the right whitening paste?

The choice of the correct whitening toothpaste will largely depend on the result itself, and most importantly, safety for your health. However, first you need to understand that in reality, not every person can make their teeth whiter by at least a semitone. And the point here is not at all in the paste, but in heredity: if a person naturally has a tooth color with noticeable yellowness, then even a trip to the dentist for professional chemical whitening will not bring any result.Another thing is when a person's teeth themselves have a white tint, but over time, due to constant exposure to food, they become covered with a yellowish coating. In this case, the whitening pastes will help to restore the whiteness inherent in nature.

It is important to distinguish between whitening pastes by their functionality: some pastes brighten, others whiten. Brightening pastes, as a rule, are more gentle, these are budget options for owners of natural teeth whiteness. A well-chosen brightening paste gently whitens the enamel from food plaque.

The average price of pastes with a clear whitening effect will be higher, but the effect will be more pronounced. This result is ensured by the penetration of the active components of the paste into the enamel, where they discolor the substances located there, and the teeth become noticeably whiter. Basically, this procedure is carried out in the dentist's office.

Often, the composition of the pastes contains elements that can even remove tartar. Basically, this effect is provided by the presence of polyphosphates and abrasive particles in the whitening paste.

An important point when choosing a toothpaste is the abrasiveness index of the paste. Depending on this RDA index, all toothpastes are divided into:

  • For sensitive teeth from 25 to 50 RDA;
  • For normal teeth (based on daily use) 70-80 RDA;
  • To whiten tooth enamel 100-150 RDA.

Now, when choosing a toothpaste, try to pay attention to this index, which is a very important indicator.

Rating of quality whitening pastes: top 10.

This rating will present products from the best and well-known manufacturers, indicate the main advantages and disadvantages, which will help you rely not on how much the product costs, but on what properties it has.

PresiDENT White Plus

And on the 10th place is the Italian-made pasta PresiDENT White Plus.

PresiDENT White Plus
  • clear whitening effect;
  • fresh breath throughout the day.
  • Too high level of abrasiveness - 200 RDA;
  • Destruction of enamel;
  • Allergic reactions are possible.

The cost is 300 rubles per 100 ml.


Russian-made paste R.O.C.S. took 9th place on our list.

  • Lack of parabens, fluoride;
  • Gentle whitening of tooth enamel.
  • The effect is cumulative;
  • small volume of the tube.

Price - 250 rubles per tube for 74 g.

ROCS PRO Oxygen Whitening

ROCS PRO Oxygen Whitening paste, which is also a gel, is in 8th place.

ROCS PRO Oxygen Whitening
  • No risk of erasing the enamel;
  • Free from fluoride, parabens and colorants.
  • Weak whitening effect.

Price - 400 rubles for a tube weighing 60 grams.

Splat extreme white

On the 7th place on our list is the Splat Extreme White, which contains the active substance carbamide peroxide.

Splat extreme white
  • Excellent cleaning of enamel plaque;
  • Effective whitening.
  • The presence of preservatives in the composition - methylparabens.

Price - 250 rubles for 75 grams.

Blendamed 3D White

The 6th place in our ranking goes to Blendamed 3D White.

Blendamed 3D White
  • Enamel whitens well;
  • Creates a smooth effect on the teeth.
  • May cause enamel hypersensitivity.

The price is about 400 rubles for a 75 ml tube.

New Pearl Whitening

The 5th place is occupied by New Pearl Whitening, which is in great demand in Russia.

New Pearl Whitening
  • Medicinal properties;
  • Protects enamel from plaque for a long time.
  • May cause enamel hypersensitivity.

The price is 50-60 rubles.

SILCA ArcticWhite

On the 4th place of our rating is the whitening product of the German production SILCA ArcticWhite.

SILCA ArcticWhite
  • Perfectly removes plaque;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Caries protection.
  • Weak whitening effect.

The price is about 100 rubles.

REMBRANDT - Anti-tobacco and coffee

On the 3rd place we place the REMBRANDT product - Anti-tobacco and coffee, created especially for people who use tobacco and coffee.

REMBRANDT - Anti-tobacco and coffee
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Fresh breath;
  • Restoration of the natural color of the enamel.
  • Not suitable for all people;
  • Has no antibacterial effect.

Price - 400 rubles.

Lacalut white

The 2nd place is deservedly received by one of the highest quality pastes - LACALUT white & repair.

Lacalut white
  • Perfectly whitens;
  • Fresh breath;
  • Reduces bleeding gums.
  • The enamel may be damaged.

Price - 200 rubles.


And the first place in our rating is taken by the whitening drug REMBRANDT Plus.

  • Excellent whitening;
  • Restores damaged enamel;
  • Tartar protection.
  • Not suitable for everyday use.

Price - 480 rubles.


Thus, we have reviewed the most popular whitening pastes. They are represented by different brands, released by manufacturers from different countries, so each of them has its own characteristics. Choosing a whitening toothpaste, you should not chase only the result of "snow-white" teeth.

Go to the dentist to check for problems such as tooth decay, bleeding gums, tartar, and so on. Talk to a professional about which dental cleaning product you should use. Often people have two types of toothpastes: hygienic and whitening, therapeutic and prophylactic and whitening. This approach will allow you to use these tools as correctly as possible, and most importantly - safely.

Today, almost all people in the world suffer from caries. Tooth decay is a dangerous infection that is difficult to avoid, because the main cause of the occurrence lies in what we eat. Therefore, a careful and deliberate choice of toothpaste is a very important step on the path to health.


